35.5 Week OB Check

This weekend, we met with our Doula to talk about where we are at, what our goals are for labor, and activities/exercises that will help me to physically (and mentally) feel a little better.

One thing that I decided was that I have to let go of my labor with Charlotte. What I mean by that is that I need to stop comparing and (over)analyzing everything. My pregnancy and labor with C were completely independent of my pregnancy and upcoming labor with this babe.

In starting this process, it was time to write up a big long list of questions for my doc to make sure we were on the same page. Which also meant I needed to bake. I can’t grill her without simultaneously bribing, right?

In case you were wondering what I baked, only the BEST brownies ever. They were so tasty. I found this recipe on Epicurious. It was a little weird, but really easy and simple clean up. Not to mention, the best damn brownies ever.

Now, back to my appointment. My stats were all good…

Weight Gain: 1.2 lbs over the past 2 weeks, although it feels like more… for a total weight gain of 29 lbs. Considering by the end of my last pregnancy, I had gained something like 55lbs, I’m feeling pretty damn good. About my weight gain that is… physically, I’m feeling quite clunky.

Heart Rate: 99 bpm (I swear, my heart rate increases when I’m there. I can feel it. I don’t know if I get nervous or what, but the nurse said not to worry!)

BP: 98/70

Baby’s Heart Rate: 135 bpm

Belly: Measuring a perfect 35 cm

Now, my questions:

  1. What happens at 40 weeks? A: It’s really no different than first pregnancy at 40 weeks.

  2. I would like to push back cervical checks and start at earliest at 38 weeks, but ideally at 40. A: I don’t see a reason why we couldn’t wait until 39 weeks if that’s what you want. At that point, we can strip your membranes if you’d like. **NOTE: my intention here is to avoid the negativity, stress and anxiety that my weekly cervical checks brought in my first pregnancy. Ultimately, they’re completely unnecessary (it’s true, there’s NO medical purpose for them at this point) and don’t actually indicate labor.
  3. What types of things would prevent me from having a VBAC? A: The same things that would prevent you from having one the first time… if the baby is breech, etc. Also, I might call it sooner if we get into a situation similar to your first.
  4. Was Charlotte facing the correct way (posterior or face down)? A: I’ll have to check your file. I’ll let you know at your next appointment.
  5. Will monitoring be different this time? A: Yes. We will have to do continuous monitoring due to the increased risk. Sometimes we need an internal monitor if the outside monitor is not working; however, you don’t have the typical body type for this.
  6. Are there any minimum amount of cervical checks that need to take place during labor? We’d like as few as possible. (Ladies, I don’t know about you, but I HATED these during labor.) A: We will check only as-needed.
  7. Our doula recommended that we call the hospital on our way in and ask for a nurse who is interested in or enjoys working with unmedicated VBAC’s. Do you think that’s a good idea? A: Yes! That’s a great idea.

So, there you have it! Our 35.5 week appointment! Next appointment is in two weeks, at which point I will get my Group B Strep test. Joy.


Beet Red Lips

Charlotte has clearly been taking style tips from Taylor Swift with that red pout…



Baby’s first lipstick in a perfect shade of beet red… Which also coincides with Charlotte’s first taste of beets & potatoes.

Beet & Potato Mash Recipe
1 lb red beets (this amounted to one decent sized beet for me)
1 russet potato

1) preheat oven to 375 deg F
2) wash beet then put beet in a baking dish (I used a glass dish) and add water so it comes up about a half inch
3) cover baking dish with tin foil
4) use a fork to pierce potato
5) put potato on baking sheet (I lined mine with tin foil because I’m lazy and it reduces clean up)
6) stick the baking sheet (potato) and the baking dish (beet) in the oven and bake for 50-60 minutes (I set my timer for 50 minutes, but was putting C down for a nap when the timer went off. I probably had it in there for 60 minutes. Potato was a bit dry, but it wasn’t a big deal.)
7) remove from oven once nice and tender. Let cool a bit.
8) peel the skin off of both the potato and beet
9) chop the potato and put it in the blender with enough liquid to get to desired consistency (I used coconut milk and water, but you can use breastmilk, too)
10) chop the beet and put it in the blender with enough liquid to get to desired consistency (I used reserved liquid from baking, but you can use water or breastmilk)
11) If you’re into “plating” your baby’s food all fancy-like, you can swirl the beet and potato. It looks awesome (according to the photo in my recipe book)… But who has time or energy for that? I just mixed the two together and voila!
12) freeze leftovers in cubes for up to 3 months

Ps: I wasn’t the biggest fan of the coconut milk in the potatoes. They got sticky. But, all in all, it was delicious. Remember, beets stain!

Baby Snacks

Our streak of good eating has continued. Charlotte is doing SO well! This past weekend, I made her red lentils and brown rice “soup” (it’s pretty thick) and I made lamb.

Before I share the recipes, I’ll preface by saying that I’ve been looking for food-based sources of iron for C to ensure she’s getting enough, as she has not been eating any sort of iron-enriched cereal.

I did a lot of research and decided I didn’t want to give her the iron drops and instead would make sure to incorporate a good amount of iron into her diet. With all of her crazy food/poop drama, she was tested at 6 months for anemia… The results came back totally normal, which leaves me with little concern.

Anyway, I haven’t been ready to introduce beef because of her many other allergies, so after the chicken success, I decided to give lamb a try. It’s another great iron source.

I’ve literally never cooked lamb in my life, but was ready for the challenge. Thankfully, hubs suggested cooking it in the slow cooker so it’d be nice and soft, which worked perfectly.

I didn’t have a recipe, but here’s what I did…

1 big container of low sodium organic vegetable broth
.5 sweet potato chopped
1 onion slices
1 stalk celery sliced
.5-.7 lbs free range lamb shoulder (bone-in)

I literally just tossed everything in the crock pot and cooked it on low for 5 hours. It was perfect.

I pulled out the meat, got rid of the bones, shredded the meat into small pieces and saved the meat and sweet potatoes in some gravy for C and used the broth and other veggies for soup For Mark and I.

The meat is great on its own – Charlie loves it – but it’s also been mixing perfectly with the red lentil and brown rice soup I made. I just mix the two together and she goes wild.

The soup recipe is from my baby and toddler cook book.

Here is the recipe… FYI, I added about 1/2 cup of water once done cooking and the froze it in tiny portions. As I’ve been reheating, I add a little more water or broth from the lamb. It’s tasty!



C has also been loving millet cinnamon raisin toast, apples (of course), sweet potato puffs, and just about anything and everything.

Guess who else has been living Charlotte’s new diet??


Lots of Celebrations & Fun – Weekend Recap

On Friday, the weather was starting to heat up and everything was feeling great. Work was a little slow, but I had the pup with me, so that made it sillier.

My pup, the contortionist.

My pup, the contortionist.


After work, we headed over to our friend Mike & Kari’s for a little BBQ get together. Mike and Kari had a wee little one, Madison, just about a year ago and she’s perfectly adorable and behaved and so sweet. Anyway, our friend Tricia and her boyfriend joined too, and we had a little “pre-birthday” celebration for Tricia and I (Tricia’s bday was yesterday, mine is Thursday).

Birthday shenanigans.

Birthday shenanigans.

Make a wish!!

Make a wish!!

The gang hanging out!

The gang hanging out!

Saturday morning we got up early for our first labor & delivery class with our doula! She had tons of helpful information to share with us (some of it a repeat from our hospital class), and it really went well! I’ll share more about this in a separate post.

The remainder of Saturday was spent running errands and doing chores around the house. Your standard grocery shopping, meal prep, yard work, vacuuming, etc. Then, Saturday night, the hubs and I just relaxed and got to bed early.

Then Sunday was the big Mother’s Day brunch at our house. We had my sister and her family over and my Milly (mother-in-law) and Pop (Mark’s grandfather) over. Unfortunately, my parents did not come, as they went to a baseball game instead. While this is something my mother and I fought about and have since “resolved,” the feelings of disappointment and frustration definitely reemerged yesterday. I know the baby hasn’t arrived yet, but it was technically my first mother’s day… it would have been nice to share the day with my own mother.

Anyway, we did a waffle bar that really turned out wonderfully! We had different spreads for the waffles (butter, nutella, fudge, jam) and then tons of toppings (syrup, whipped cream, honey, berries, bananas, chocolate chips, powdered sugar, yogurt… that might have been all).

The table set for 8!

The table set for 8!

Yummy parfait compliments of Milly.

Yummy parfait compliments of Milly.

Wheat & Original Waffles... both delish!

Wheat & Original Waffles… both delish!

The spreads!

The spreads!

Mmmm toppings!

Mmmm toppings!

Delicious egg bake!

Delicious egg bake!

That's a tasty plate!

That’s a tasty plate!

The waffle bar in action!

The waffle bar in action!

Pop & Gabs laughing it up!

Pop & Gabs laughing it up!

That's a spoonful of chocolate chips!

That’s a spoonful of chocolate chips!



What are you looking at?

What are you looking at?

Where'd I go?

Where’d I go?

Here I am!!

Here I am!!

Third helping??

Third helping??

Have I mentioned I suck at quantities? These are all leftovers!

Have I mentioned I suck at quantities? These are all leftovers!

Here are the recipes I used…

Whole Grain Waffles (I thought these were pretty darn good!)

Waffles of Insane Greatness (These are the original waffles and I’m not gonna lie, they were pretty damn good)

Sausage & Egg Casserole with Sun-Dried Tomatoes & Mozzarella (This REALLY hit the spot. So light and fluffy and awesome)


After everyone left, Marky and I totally just took advantage of the day. First the boys crashed…

Food coma.

Food coma.

Then, we snuggled up on the couch and took a nice nap. All the windows were open, allowing for a nice warm breeze. It was wonderful. Once we woke up, we moved to the hammock for some more R&R.

hammock time

Ahhh heaven. But I’m not going to lie. As we laid there, I couldn’t help but think, “holy shit, I’m going to miss this.” It was so quiet and peaceful and just us. I know that when baby comes, she will offer us new and different perfect experiences like these, but regardless, the thought made me feel a little guilty.

After nap & hammock time, we went to the store to put a little icing on our unhealthy day. In honor of Mom’s Day, we bought all of my cravings for dinner. Now, this is something we haven’t really done more than a couple times. But, I figured, might as well enjoy satisfying these little cravings before the pregnancy is over, right? So this was our dinner…

Frozen pizza (yes, I have a total weakness for the stuff)

Frozen pizza (yes, I have a total weakness for the stuff)

Caesar Salad Kit

Caesar Salad Kit

And here’s the kicker….

Jalepeno cheetos! My favorite chip!

Jalepeno cheetos! My favorite chip!

The boys' couch!

The boys’ couch!

We watched Delivery Man with the windows open and just enjoyed the night. The movie wasn’t great, but the day and evening were perfection. I couldn’t have asked for more from my amazing hubs. I should also mention that he wrote the sweetest card EVER and got me a gift certificate for Nordstrom Rack (one just opened and I’ve been dying to go check it out)!


I’m definitely at a much less comfortable place than I’ve been for the rest of the pregnancy. It’s still manageable, but I’m achy all over, my back doesn’t feel great, and my hands and wrists are quite sore. Thankfully I read on BabyCenter that this was normal. I’m trying to do wrist stretches periodically throughout the day, but it doesn’t seem to help. Oh well, right?


Classic & Oreo Mini Cheesecake Bake-Off

I decided that instead of making mini pies to bribe my doctor into writing me a note recommending a 12-week maternity leave, I would make mini original and oreo cheesecakes. The recipes were quite simple, but between making tonight’s dinner and prepping tomorrow’s slow-cooker dinner in between my cheesecake bake-off, I was literally in the kitchen for nearly 5 hours.

However, if I get that note, it will be worth every minute spent. If I don’t… I’m coming home and eating all the “leftover” cheesecakes.

Classic Cheesecake with Graham Cracker Crust Garnished with Mixed Berry Preserves and Lemon Zest & Whipped Cream, Fresh Blueberry and Lemon Zest... AND, Oreo Cheesecake on an Oreo Crust topped with Whipped Cream and a Mini Oreo. Mmm....

Classic Cheesecake with Graham Cracker Crust Garnished with Mixed Berry Preserves and Lemon Zest & Whipped Cream, Fresh Blueberry and Lemon Zest… AND, Oreo Cheesecake on an Oreo Crust topped with Whipped Cream and a Mini Oreo. Mmm….

Close up...

Close up…

All packaged up for my doc! Hope she likes cheesecake...

All packaged up for my doc! Hope she likes cheesecake…

For both cheesecakes, I used a pretty classic recipe. The only difference between the classic and oreo was literally the crushed oreos mixed into the cheesecake batter. Here are the recipes:

Graham Cracker Crust:

1 cup graham cracker crumbles

2 TBSP sugar

3 TBSP butter, melted

*Mix it all together and voila! Then press graham cracker crust into paper-lined mini muffin tin.


Oreo Cookie Crust:

10 original Oreo Cookies with cream (not double stuffed)

1 TBSP butter

*Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Throw cookies in the food processor and grind up to crumbs. Add butter and grind again until crumbs. Press into paper-lined mini muffin tins and bake for 5 minutes.


Cheesecake Filling

3/4 cup sugar

3 (8oz) Packages Cream Cheese, softened

1 tsp Vanilla

3 Eggs

* Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.

Beat cream cheese, vanilla and sugar with mixer until blended. Then add eggs one at a time, mixing on low speed after each just until well blended. IF YOU ARE MAKING OREO CHEESECAKE: Mix in Oreo Cookies, just until blended. Spoon cheesecake over crusts.

Bake at 325 degrees F for 15-18 minutes. Let cool, then refrigerate for 2-4 hours. Once fully cooled, add the garnish of your choice and refrigerate for an additional 1-2 hours (at least) to set. TA DA!

Original Recipe Links:

Original Cheesecake

Oreo Cheesecake


A Busy Weekend Recap

Another weekend recapped in photos…

Toby and I were on the same page on Friday afternoon. We were definitely feeling sluggish and just over it. Especially after putting in some extra hours last week.

Toby and I were on the same page on Friday afternoon. We were definitely feeling sluggish and just over it. Especially after putting in some extra hours last week.

We were both pleasantly surprised when the hubs popped in for a surprise visit after his training session was let out. That helped with the afternoon.

We were both pleasantly surprised when the hubs popped in for a surprise visit after his training session was let out. That helped with the afternoon.

After work, we all napped for a little before heading to my sweet friend Kate's parents' house for a farewell dinner. She's abandoning us and moving to Seattle. New job at Expedia!

After work, we all napped for a little before heading to my sweet friend Kate’s parents’ house for a farewell dinner. She’s abandoning us and moving to Seattle. New job at Expedia!

Carrie brought her tiny little 6-week-old man, Phoenix to the dinner!

Carrie brought her tiny little 6-week-old man, Phoenix to the dinner!

Such a smoosher.

Such a smoosher.

He's way too cute!

He’s way too cute!

We enjoyed a night of pizza making, GREAT food, and perfect conversation.

We enjoyed a night of pizza making, GREAT food, and perfect conversation.

Why would she ever want to leave this??

Why would she ever want to leave this??

Resident Chef Erica shaping the dough.

Resident Chef Erica shaping the dough.

Mmmm cheese!

Mmmm cheese!

How cute are they?

How cute are they?

The boys!

The boys!

Watch out, Kate! First comes Seattle, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in the baby carriage :) I think your hubs-to-be might be ready!

Watch out, Kate! First comes Seattle, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in the baby carriage 🙂 I think your hubs-to-be might be ready!

Is that an AMAZING looking pizza or what?

Is that an AMAZING looking pizza or what?

I have to include this salad dressing recipe, because it was AMAZING! Compliments of Kate's momma. SO tasty.

I have to include this salad dressing recipe, because it was AMAZING! Compliments of Kate’s momma. SO tasty.

On Saturday, we were supposed to have our first labor class with our doula, but she had to cancel because she had a birth on Friday night. I know this is crappy to admit, but I struggled/struggle to believe it. I had emailed her as a little reminder on Friday night and she emailed me back within 10 minutes to cancel and say she was on her way to a birth. Maybe I’m just being skeptical. Oh well.

The lack of class left room for EXCESSIVE amounts of yard work…

Marky trimmed trees...

Marky trimmed trees…

A lot of trees.

A lot of trees.

And I was in charge of raking and picking up sticks. So, after literally almost 8 hours of hard labor… at 8 months pregnant… I decided that it might have been a little bit too much. By the end of the day, I had a few Braxton Hicks contractions right in a row, which kind of scared me. It could have been from over exertion or dehydration… but either way, it was probably too much. I felt fine while we were doing it though? In fact, it felt nice to get in some exercise and enjoy the sunshine.

After all that gardening, Marky and I chowed down some Mexican food! Mmm. I was in bed by 10.

Sunday was another big day! It was my sweet Ashley’s bridal shower… with a derby theme! I’m not going to lie, I was a little anxious about having to get dressed up in a theme, because having to get dressed seems to be quite the challenge these days, but I somehow managed. I miraculously squeezed my 8-month-prego belly bump into a pre-pregs dress, threw on a blazer and a hat and was “off to the races.” Well, actually, I stopped for a mani with my mom and sis first! I’m not so sure about my color… it’s a little blah or maybe just too close to my hand color.

The color's a little lame.

The color’s a little lame.

Anyway, the shower was absolutely gorgeous and I had such a great time! It was great to see all my ladies, eat delicious food and play some silly games.

The beautiful bride-to-be!

The beautiful bride-to-be!

The bridesmaids (minus a couple)!

The bridesmaids (minus a couple)!

I’m second from the left! I’ve decided that black + a blazer = a pregnant woman’s best friend! I had quite a few conversations with folks I hadn’t seen in a while that were interupted by, “OMG! You’re pregnant! I didn’t even notice!” Now, I read a lot of articles and posts about things NOT to say to a pregnant momma… for the record, let’s add that one to the list of things TO SAY!

How gorg are these flower centerpieces? This pic is taken in my kitchen... yes, I was lucky enough to bring this prize home!

How gorg are these flower centerpieces? This pic is taken in my kitchen… yes, I was lucky enough to bring this prize home!

When I got home, poor Mark was still in the yard slaving away. Learning my lesson from the previous day, the hubs set Toby and I up on the hammock so we could keep him company.

When I got home, poor Mark was still in the yard slaving away. Learning my lesson from the previous day, the hubs set Toby and I up on the hammock so we could keep him company.

And watch him work...

And watch him work…

Ahhh finally sunshine!

Ahhh finally sunshine!

All in all, it was a jam-packed and fun-filled weekend!



Ohhhh my back! I’m feeling a lot better than I did Saturday night, but I’ve still got some serious aching in my back from all that yard work. Good news? I think I’ll survive 🙂 I’m also a bit tired. I woke up at 4 am to pee and could not get back to sleep. I ended up reading until around 5:30 and then my alarm went off at 6:30. I know, I know… practice. Whatever. I’m tired.

But, as I lay there in bed thinking about the baby, I did get pretty excited. Even a little excited for the late night feedings. Not all of them… every night… every two hours… but just to breastfeed my little girl and love on her. And also, I was thinking… in waking hours, you change and feed a baby every two hours(ish)… do you have to change a baby every two hours at night, too? My guess is yes… but oofta. That’s rough.

Anyway, I just can’t wait to meet her. As of today, there are only 53 days left! Ehh… I don’t like that number. Sounds too high. As of today, there are only 7.5 weeks left! That’s better!


20-Week Celebration, Mani’s, Treats & More!

I had a great weekend! With Friday marking our half-way point in the pregnancy, we were naturally in good spirits. On Friday, we pretty much just laid low and hung out at home. There’s a chance I was in bed sleeping by 10 pm. Then Saturday, I was up early to meet my mom, sister and niece for manicures (the best way to start a Saturday).

Jessie (my sister) painting Gabbers' nails... me in the background soaking in the loveliness of being pampered.

Jessie (my sister) painting Gabbers’ nails… me in the background soaking in the loveliness of being pampered.

Happy Valentine's Day Nails... I couldn't resist getting a little festive!

Happy Valentine’s Day Nails… I couldn’t resist getting a little festive!

After nails, mom and I grabbed a delicious lunch at my favorite local restaurant, Cafe 1505, and then we were off to do a little maternity shopping. While I have most of my staples, I was in desperate need of a pair of black pants that I could wear to work, some tops, a bra, and potentially some basics for Mexico (shorts, tanks, swimsuit). We were pretty successful in that I was able to get a pair of black pants that I’m in love with, some nice tops including one tank and a short sleeved-shirt or two, and a pair of shorts! BUT, the swimsuit and bra saga were not even a little fun. I almost shed tears a few times. I have always had a chest that is just too big for my frame, so things like swimsuits and bras are VERY difficult for me to find. Maternity bras and swimsuits were no different. Turns out my bra cup size is not made in a small enough band size… or at least not at Pea in the Pod. The lady recommended we go to a different store called Allure, which just so happens to be in the same little mall as Cafe 1505… I’m thinking lunch and bra shopping will be in my near future. As for the swimsuit… ugh. That was just as frustrating. NOTHING fit and I literally tried on about 10 swimsuits. I looked online and Old Navy sells swimsuit separates, which I think might be my best bet. I’m planning to order about 3-5 different styles and sizes and hope that one of them fits.

Okay, enough bitching about shopping. We all know how frustrating that can be… but the positive, is that I came home to my amazing husband who was ready to celebrate our 20-Week milestone. From balloons and flowers to frozen pizza (I have such a soft spot for frozen pizza) and cupcakes, everything was perfect!

I just love these colors and the polka dots! Perfection!

I just love these colors and the polka dots! Perfection!

What I walked into!

What I walked into!

So, we put our jams (PJ’s) on, made some delicious pizza, and curled up on the couch together. We actually watched, “The Business of Being Born,” which I’ll write about in a different post. What I’ll say now, is that every pregnant woman and her husband should watch this movie. It’s really powerful and is a great reinforcer of the importance of knowing your options at the time of labor.

The next day, Marky helped me make homemade caramel dipped pretzels covered in chocolate and sprinkles. The original plan for these was to just bring them to my doctor and her nurse on Tuesday as a little celebration of us finding out the sex (and the obvious bribery), but I decided to make a double batch and bring some to work. Here’s what I did…

Brought an excessive amount of sugar, corn syrup and butter to a boil... then added sweetened condensed milk.

Brought an excessive amount of sugar, corn syrup and butter to a boil… then added sweetened condensed milk.

Then, I cooked the healthy mixture over medium-low heat for what felt like forever (stirring the entire time), until it reached 245 degrees F.

Then, I cooked the healthy mixture over medium-low heat for what felt like forever (stirring the entire time), until it reached 245 degrees F.

Once it was the right temp, it turned the right color! And caramel was made...

Once it was the right temp, it turned the right color! And caramel was made…

So we dipped the pretzels and let them sit and harden on a buttered piece of parchment paper. This took hours.

So we dipped the pretzels and let them sit and harden on a buttered piece of parchment paper. This took hours.

Once the caramel was hardened (after about 3-4 hours, I ended up putting it in the fridge for a half hour to really do the trick), I melted different colored candy melts in a double boiler, dipped my pretzels and covered with sprinkles.

Once the caramel was hardened (after about 3-4 hours, I ended up putting it in the fridge for a half hour to really do the trick), I melted different colored candy melts in a double boiler, dipped my pretzels and covered with sprinkles.

The result was a lot of REALLY delicious pink and blue pretzels!

The result was a lot of REALLY delicious pink and blue pretzels!

And for my doctor and her nurse, I wrapped up some pretzels in a little bag and added a cute bow! Voila!

And for my doctor and her nurse, I wrapped up some pretzels in a little bag and added a cute bow! Voila!

I poured the leftover caramel into two well-buttered baking pans and let those harden into yummy caramels!

I poured the leftover caramel into two well-buttered baking pans and let those harden into yummy caramels!

Here’s the recipe for the pretzels if you’re interested: Caramel Pretzel Stick Rods Dipped in Chocolate.

And while we baked, my sweet husband took some time to chat, up-close and personal, with the babers.

And while we baked, my sweet husband took some time to chat, up-close and personal, with the babers.

And even took the time to listen a little :)

And even took the time to listen a little 🙂

How cute is he?

How cute is he?

All in all, it was a great weekend with my hubbers and fam! And now, it’s just one day until we get to see our sweet baby on the big screen and find out the sex… and then Friday, we’re off to NY! This week is definitely going to be an amazing whirlwind!


Besides the rough patches during shopping, it was a great weekend. I’m feeling really good… except for some back pain. But, I’m headed to the chiropractor this afternoon and my sweet Milly gave me money for a massage that I need to book once I’m back from NY. All in all, feeling really excited, happy and good!


Delicious Alert

I’m eating my lunch and just tasted the soup my hubs whipped up last night and I just have to share it! It’s delicious and healthy! I love when that happens…

Herbed Zucchini Soup

Click the link above… or follow recipe below:

Makes: 4 servings, 1 1/4 cups each

Active Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes


  • 3 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth
  • 1 1/2 pounds zucchini, (about 3 medium), cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon, or dill or 1 teaspoon dried
  • 3/4 cup shredded reduced-fat Cheddar cheese, (3 ounces)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

Place broth, zucchini and tarragon (or dill) in a medium saucepan; bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce to a simmer and cook, uncovered, until the zucchini is tender, 7 to 10 minutes. Puree in a blender (see Tip), in batches if necessary, until smooth. Return the soup to the pan and heat over medium-high, slowly stirring in cheese until it is incorporated. Remove from heat and season with salt and pepper. Serve hot or chilled.

Best part… only 115 calories for 1.25 cups of soup!

Think skinny thoughts…

For the past 8 or so months, I have been celebrating my slimmed down, wedding body. It was about 3 years (50 diets and endless workouts) in the making, but I had successfully dropped all of my early-mid 20’s, binge-drinking and after-bar-eating weight and gotten back to a size I didn’t think I’d see again. I was even to the point where I felt comfortable eating lunch in nothing but my bikini (oh how I miss my honeymoon). That was a dream of mine. Yes, it’s a strange one, but I have always aspired to feel comfortable hunched over a cheeseburger in my bikini. Whatever… everyone has to have goals.

Anyway, my point is not to praise my wedding-bod, but to wish it good luck for a relatively slender future.

I’ve spoken to many mommas who claim to have lost weight in their first trimester. I am barely half-way through mine and I swear to you, I’m feeling thicker. Two weeks ago, I went to Banana Republic and tried on this super cute, simple black dress for my dreaded 10-year reunion this weekend. The dress looked great. I decided to order it online last week and it arrived last night. I excitedly tried it on and… needless to say, I will NOT be wearing that cute little dress. I literally looked pregnant.

That might be a weird statement because I am pregnant… but not as pregnant as I looked. Woof.

BUT, just for fun, I puffed out my buddah belly in front of the mirror again and decided that the dress would be ADORABLE if I were 6 months pregnant and not trying to keep my early pregnancy a secret from my graduating class.

I ended up deciding to wear a black dress that I already have. Win-Win… It’s slimming where it needs to be and will allow me to shove my face with some delicious food at the reunion without giving away my secret AND my husband will be quite pleased with the fact that I’m not buying more clothing.

As for my growing belly, I am going to be working hard to manage my portions. That’s really my issue. I love healthy food… I just love a lot of it.

Tonight, we’re actually having my cousin, Amy, over for dinner… I’m making white sauce chicken pizza and garlic sauce pizza, cheesy garlic bread and a Caesar salad. The girl has dietary restrictions, so we had to make a meal with no: meat, tomatoes, spicy, beans, peppers, and acidic food. So, tonight won’t be the model for my healthy eating, but it will be delicious. We can’t be perfect every day, right?

Healthy eating ends at lunch and will resume tomorrow… we’re having my Milly’s AMAZING Soy-Glazed Salmon with Brussels Sprouts Rice.



I slept through the night all the way until my husband’s alarm went off at 6 am! That’s 7 hours all the way through. I’m pretty happy about that. In terms of morning sickness, my worst times are definitely in the morning through maybe 1 pm or so and then later in the evening. In the mornings, I’m pretty queasy. Breakfast is becoming a thing of the past, although, I’m still able to choke down my morning “shake”… which is more like juice.

It includes:

Leaves of 4 pieces of Kale (stems removed)

1 cup frozen Strawberries

1/2 cup fresh Parsley

1 Banana

1 cup Juice and/or Water

1 teaspoon Ground Flaxseed

(recipe is for 2 servings, apx: 100 calories per serving)

It’s delicious. My husband and I both love it.


After the smoothie, I’m pretty spent on food. At least until lunch. In terms of the evenings, the nausea returns and comes accompanied by a whopping headache and severe exhaustion. Last night, I may have fallen asleep mid-conversation. It was crazy. I was up, folding laundry and putting everything away when all of a sudden it hit me. As I got closer to making it through my pre-bed routine, I became even more exhausted until I collapsed in bed. I think even my face was tired.

Anyway, I’d love to continue, but I have to pee.

Actually, one more important note before sign-off… I couldn’t be happier! I have a good feeling about this little sesame seed and am feeling very grateful. The cramping seems to be gone and the other side-effects as well. I’m feeling fat, healthy and happy!