Belated Father’s Day Wishes to my Love


Last weekend was Father’s Day. Despite the belated nature of this post, I wanted to take a minute to celebrate my hubby. Before we were mommy and daddy, we were us. Just he and I. We chose to connect our lives to one another forever and create a family.


Now, we are definitely not perfect and have been known to annoy the shit out of one another on occasion, but there is never a single moment that I regret that choice. Even before kids, I knew that we could make a better world together.

Fast forward to today… with two [spicy] cherubs of our own… it is clear that I am far luckier than I even knew when we decided to get married. Navigating the crazy world of parenthood with this man is incredible. He is a true co-parent and pushes us to face parenting as a skill that we’re constantly working on. He is protective of our children’s hearts and their innocence… but in a way that is realistic about the world.

He is deliberate and takes time to think things through (most of the time… ha!). He is goofy and definitely the more fun parent of the two of us. He embraces my passion for making things “special” and gets on board… even if it means staying up late every night straight for a week to build a mini deck and playhouse for our kiddos… in the rain.


He is the real deal…

So, I’m sorry to all you other dads out there, but this year my guy is taking the “#1 dad” position. I love you, sweet man of mine. Thanks for making our world one filled with love, passion, compassion, commitment and gratitude. Happy father’s day. xo

Old, old, old

Today, C and I went to our favorite coffee shop for a steamed milk (coffee for me) and a muffin before camp.

On our way to camp, C enlightened me…

C: you aren’t growing anymore… but you’ll get older and older and older and older

Me: i need to get older and older so I can see you get older and older.

C: but you’re old now. Like old, old, old, old, old. You’re small, but you’re old, old.

Just in case my recent grey hair cover up was tricking me into believing I’m a spring chicken… C shwoops in with the harsh reality slap.

This was followed up with…

C: oh. I just saw a kangaroo over there, but it died because of the chemicals on the grass. I wonder how it jumped all the way over there.

**I later discovered that there was a dead deer on the grassy median. I assume this was the kangaroo C was referring to**

Never a dull moment with my sweetest little sweetie.

Hemy Hem Starts School!

Apparently in January I wrote the title to this post, but never posted anything! Henry started school on January 23, 2018. He started going 3 mornings a week (8-1230), then we added a fourth day and as of yesterday, he’s going 5 mornings a week.

He’s doing great and has a little crew that consists of his friends Howie, Michael, Theo and Rosie. Unfortunately, Rosie is going to a different school now. Since Hem just moved from the toddler room to the 2k room, I’m sure his crew will grow and change in the coming weeks.


Buddy Turns 2!

20180602_095054My little baby is officially two years (and two days) old today. Although, if you ask him, 9 times out of 10, he’ll tell you he’s turning 4 (with a little smirk on his face). He will also tell you that his nearly 4 year old sister is turning 2.

I have SO much to say about my Henry. This boy talks NON-STOP. And not just babbles… but 6-7+ word sentences. He is a legit parrot. He loves to listen to a story or instructions and repeat them back. He’s the loviest love ever. Snuggles and hugs and kisses. He is empathetic. He is kind. He is polite (please, thank you, bless you, etc).

He’s also a bruiser.


He loves to stick out his bottom lip and pout. He enjoys getting in trouble (help me!!)… sometimes he will put himself on a “break” – aka a timeout in his room. He will fake cry and then start cracking up.

He loves to play with his sister and often demands that she holds his hand in the car. He is somehow still nursing 1-2 times a day (I swore that I’d cut him off at 2… 2 days past and I’m not sure what the plan will be).


Hem has his checkup this week, so I will post his stats, but here are a bunch of general updates.

  • Nicknames: Hem, Hem Hem, Hemy, Buddy, Moosh, Booshy
  • Words: This boy can literally say everything. I repeat, PARROT. He can count to 11. He sings his ABC’s… not perfectly… but SO well, relatively speaking.
  • Henry loves water. He will splash the shit out of anyone who comes near the bathtub. He just loves it.
  • Henry thoroughly enjoys watching baseball. He is always asking Grandpa Jeff to “watch baseball team for 2 minutes.”
  • He loves throwing balls “so high”… he walks around throwing balls hollering, “mommy, watch this!” “daddy, watch this!” etc…
  • Henry really enjoys reading books. He could literally read for hours. His current favorites are the Noisy Trucks Book, Dear Zoo, the Very Hungry Catepillar, and honestly, whatever else he can get his hands on. He went through a Goodnight Moon phase, but we haven’t read it in awhile. I need to pull that one back out.
  • His favorite movies/shows are Thomas the Train, Olaf’s Frozen Adventure and Moana. Yes, I did not stick to the no TV until you’re 2 thing as I did with Charlotte. Their personalities are so different. He doesn’t get as sucked into the TV as she does, but that could always change.
  • Henry LOVES fire trucks and biiiiiiig trucks and construction equipment and airplanes and pretty much anything that goes.
  • We bought Hem some balloons for his bday and he calls them his moons.
  • Henry is funny. He LOVES to laugh. He loves to joke. He loves to be social. He honestly is just such a love. And, from about 18-20 months until now have just been amazing. He’s SO fun and so sweet and just such a cutie pie. He loves to hold hands and play. He loves to spend time together. He’s just a buddy.
  • Henry is in a silly phase where he constantly has to tell people, “no, that’s MY MOMMY!”… says it to Charlotte, my parents, random people… I probably shouldn’t laugh, but I like that he gets defensive over me. I’m sure one day he’ll be trying to trade me in for a cooler version, so I’ll take the silly affection now.
  • Henry is a master stacker. He loves to build a big tower and then knock it over. He actually has great precision and can build a pretty high tower.
  • He LOVES outside. Playing outside, looking outside, etc. The boy is most definitely an outdoor boy.
  • Henry continues to love music. He starts dancing and screams out that he loves this song whenever he hears music in a store. He’s constantly singing, tapping, bobbing his head and shaking those adorable little shoulders.
  • Henry is a MASTER eater. He just goes and goes and goes. His favorites are meat, cheese, berries, mango, pizza, toast… hmmm. Honestly, he’s not picky (as long as it isn’t green – grrrrr). The other day he ate 4 scrambled eggs, a piece of toast and some cereal for breakfast. He asked for more, but momma decided to cut him off.
  • Henry’s poop saga has continued. He has terrible blow out poops that would literally blow your mind. I’ve seen many a stomach turn and jaw to drop in reaction to Henry’s pooping wizardry. We think it might be a dairy allergy and are working on it.
  • When Henry snuggles, he puts his little head on my (or whoever’s shoulder), sticks his butt in the air and wraps his tiny paws around my shoulders. I melt… every time.
  • Henry is the ultimate buddy. Like, that’s just the best way to describe him. SUCH a lovey buddy.
  • Henry continues to be the noisiest human ever. His voice is just so loud. People know when Henry is around.
  • Henry loves to play in the sand. Mommy hates sand.

We had an amazing day celebrating Henry’s GOLDEN birthday this past weekend…

We woke up to streamers & balloons…


We ate funfetti waffles…


We opened presents (C gave Hemy a tool bench that she “paid for”… aka she earned the money to buy it by vacuuming the whole house!… She also gave him about 6 pieces of her own clothing… for when he’s bigger, of course).


We went to a little petting farm with Nan…

We had a picnic in the kitchen…

We spoke to family & played…


All in all, it was a wonderful day celebrating a wonderful human. We can’t wait for his big fire station birthday party on Saturday!

Happy birthday, sweet golden boy. I love you beyond words. Thanks for being my Hem.