It will look way better on your hips…

This morning I woke up feeling bloated and fat. Not pregnancy fat, but December fat. Before I even got out of bed, I was already mentally cleaning out our kitchen. After a lot of this all weekend…

Mmmmmmini pies!

Mmmmmmini pies!

Sitting around the table with "the Hooligans" (aka: my husband's boys) after an indulgent dinner and dessert.

Sitting around the table with “the Hooligans” (aka: my husband’s boys) after an indulgent dinner and dessert.

A not-as-delicious-as-the-real-deal, virgin bloody mary that accompanied buffalo wings and french fries.

A not-as-delicious-as-the-real-deal, virgin bloody mary that accompanied buffalo wings and french fries.


So, after all that, I think it’s officially time to start my “New Years’ Resolution” /  Get-it-together diet… today! Every year, I let the delicious food get the best of me and my healthy eating habits seem to vanish. But, I’m ready for health. Which is why, I have to apologize to my coworkers for making my vice their problem…


Enjoy the tasty treats! I'm sure they'll look amazing on your ass. Way better than on mine...

Enjoy the tasty treats! I’m sure they’ll look amazing on your ass. Way better than on mine…



Well, the biggest issues I’ve been having lately are with sleep. I’ve been so darn uncomfortable. Lots of tossing and turning. I miss my out-cold zombie sleep. Other than that, I’ve been getting headaches… although the last couple days haven’t been too bad… and I’ve been getting super hungry. Oy. Not amazing for trying to be healthy. What else?? I’m still having the numbing sensations on my left side. It’s even showed up when I’ve simply been leaning on a chair with my left arm. I’ll have to remember to ask my doctor about that next week. Despite all that, I do feel like I’ve been getting my energy back. Cooking doesn’t feel like such a daunting task and I’ve actually been relatively productive at home, which is always good.

Also, I’m starting to get even more excited for little baby. My friend, Kate, got me the cutest little gender neutral outfit…

I love mommy.

I love mommy.

It’s just too much cute.






It’s the day after Christmas and I’m at work…

I’m tired and cranky today. I was kind of on a roll at work this morning… until lunch. And now, I’m feeling sluggish and unmotivated. It’s got to be breaking some kind of law to work the day after Christmas. Right?

Just have to tough it out for a few more hours and then I’ll be off until Monday. Technically, I was supposed to work tomorrow, too… but the idea is so painful, I’ve decided to pass.

As I’m sure you can tell, I’m in no mood for writing an actual post today. So I guess these pictures will suffice…

A little beauty caught pulling out of the neighborhood this morning.

A little beauty caught pulling out of the neighborhood this morning.

The cutest and sweetest little Toblerone.

The cutest and sweetest little Toblerone.


Until next time!

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year – Weekend Recap

It was a great, busy, and productive weekend! Being the holiday season, no weekend is complete without a holiday celebration. This week’s festivity was with my favorite girlies. We all trekked out in the freezing rain (another joy of Wisconsin) for a lovely dinner and secret santa at our friend, Ashley’s. Somehow, I took no photos, but it was great! We had delicious food, wonderful company, and got some pretty great gifts. It’s funny though, I’ve found that when I’m tasked with bringing a dish these days, my contribution is pretty pathetic. I’m usually one who over does it with some awesome recipe I found online… these days, it’s some frozen something or other that I’ve picked up on my way. So pathetic. Hopefully the Martha Stewart in me returns soon.

Anyway, Saturday was a busy day. The day started my favorite way… with a manicure and the company of my mom, sister and niece. I decided to be festive and pick a sparkly, holiday color…

Glitter Sparkle Nails

Glitter Sparkle Nails

Then the day picked up… it was time to make returns. From Chanukah gifts to wedding gifts, we had a bunch of stuff to take care of. Our first stop was Pea in the Pod / Destination Maternity, which I’m not going to lie, I kind of fell in love with. This is a store that trains its employees to put us pregnant mommas up on a pedestal… I loved it. Anyway, from up on my pedestal, it seemed like a great idea to spend a fortune on a pair of maternity jeans. Now, back at ground-level, I’m not sure I regret the purchase… but I will say it might be a little excessive. Either way, I stand by the decision… my tush deserves to look nice… even while pregnant! Right? My husband agreed, so I don’t feel bad.

While trying on clothes, I also had the opportunity to try on a “7-month pregnant belly.” It was… interesting. From this experience, I learned a few things…

  1. I do not know how I will be able to bend over or stand up with this large of a belly.
  2. I think I could handle having this big of a belly as long as the rest of me stays the same size. I may have actually found the bump (or mountain) a little cute.
  3. I might have to stop driving at 7 months, because it is unclear whether or not I will be able to fit behind the wheel.
Me as a 7-Month Pregnant Woman...

Me as a 7-Month Pregnant Woman…

I already look hunched over and standing still, I look like a waddler.

I already look hunched over and standing still, I look like a waddler.


While we were in the car, we also got in a little facetime with Mark’s nieces. The conversation went from this…


Check out my tooth... it's loose!!

Check out my tooth… it’s loose!!


To this…

I want my hair like Matilda's!!!

I want my hair like Matilda’s!!!

From shopping / returning, we met up with my parents to see the new Tom Hanks movie, Saving Mr. Banks. I had been super excited to see it. Honestly, it was a little slow and I may have dozed off for 15 minutes in the beginning, but I did end up enjoying it. It made me want to read the original Mary Poppins.

Then, on Sunday, we got dumped on! 7 inches of snow! It was crazy. So, while I put up our holiday decorations, Mark cleared the driveway and a ridiculous path for our very high maintenance doggy…

Mark clearing an area for King Toby, the Wonderpup!

Mark clearing an area for King Toby, the Wonderpup!


Despite his nicely cleared path, Toby decided to pave his own way.

Despite his nicely cleared path, Toby decided to pave his own way.

It might be cold, but it sure is pretty!

It might be cold, but it sure is pretty!

Toby reveling in his glorious potty / play area.

Toby reveling in his glorious potty / play area.



Yesterday and today have been a little rough. I’ve been really achy… mostly in my lower back. It feels way too early for lower back pain, but it is definitely there. Mostly, it just makes me feel restless and uncomfortable, but it definitely has its plain old painful moments. I’ve also been battling a headache the past few days. I’m thinking I need to catch up on some sleep.. that might help. All I know, is that I woke up this morning feeling like I had a wicked hang over. It was not cool.

Enough whining… Besides all that, I’m feeling pretty good. I feel like my motivation to get things done around the house has improved a bit and despite feeling super tired, I feel a little more motivated. Plus, I’ve been feeling pretty excited! We’re having a baby! And, my husband has been really sweet and lovely and wonderful. I’m a lucky gal.







13 Weeks! (December 20, 2013) FIRST DAY OF MY SECOND TRIMESTER!!!

13 Weeks (December 20, 2013). Today the little babe is anywhere between 2.5-3 inches! Crazy how fast he or she has grown and will continue to grow these coming weeks. By next week, the baby will be 3.5-4 inches! Crazy stuff. Anyway, my stomach doesn't look so different in this picture, but it's definitely more noticeable in clothes.

13 Weeks (December 20, 2013). Today the little babe is anywhere between 2.5-3 inches! Crazy how fast he or she has grown and will continue to grow these coming weeks. By next week, the baby will be 3.5-4 inches! Crazy stuff. Anyway, my stomach doesn’t look so different in this picture, but it’s definitely more noticeable in clothes. Also note baby Toby blending into the rug.

If You Don’t Know, Now You Know

Ahhhhh relief! The secret is out at work and I didn’t have to make any awkward announcement… AND, even better, got to create a buzzy, rumor-filled day for everyone yesterday as they tried to guess the momma-to-be. We have our little holiday pot luck at work today, so everyone is feeling a bit more chatty than normal, so it’s a great day to make the reveal. For those of you who missed my blog a couple days ago, check out how I created a buzz here.

So, the trivia question went out yesterday, I collected all of the responses, and today, sent out the answer key and scores. There have been a ton of congratulations and silly stories. My favorite is one guy who said he’s had a hunch for three weeks now! I haven’t picked his brain as to HOW he knew, but I’m guessing it’s one of three things…

  1. He noticed my weight gain
  2. He has super senses and can smell my pregnant hormones like a dog
  3. Or… he overheard my colleague and I talking.

We’ll find out!

Other than that, I just have to be excited about my little baby bump that’s starting to show up! Every day I can see it a little more and it gets harder and very precious. I can’t help but touch it. Makes me feel like I have more of a chance to love on my baby. SO fun!! AND, I was able to wear a normal shirt today (aka: non-frumpy sweater) without feeling like a lumpy blob. Thank you, baby bump! I’m sure in 2 months I’ll be singing a different song, but for now, I’m going to enjoy every moment.



Who cares! I’m feeling holly jolly. PS: tomorrow is 13 weeks! Tangerine baby.

My baby.

My baby.

Introducing My Weird Side (If you haven’t met her already!)

About a month ago, I was enjoying a delicious tootsie pop at work when I noticed that I had gotten a wrapper with the Indian shooting the star! I don’t know if any of you remember collecting these as a child, but I immediately got excited. Now, maybe it was the 2pm sugar rush or just one of my punchy moods, but either way, I decided to send it in with a little note in hopes of receiving my free tootsie pop in the mail.

My note said something like this…

“I found the indian shooting the star! Can’t wait to receive my free tootsie pop in the mail! PS: It took me 672 licks to get to the center of my tootsie pop.”

I chuckled a little, shoved my post-it note letter and wrapper in an envelope, dropped it in the mail and forgot about it. That is until last night, when I received two packages from Tootsie Roll Industries. My first reaction to the large manilla envelope was, “What the…” and then I burst into laughter as I remembered my weird and random fan mail.

Here’s what they sent me…

Okay, so maybe I only made it three licks before biting the dang thing in half. But still, my award makes me so happy.

Okay, so maybe I only made it three licks before biting the dang thing in half. But still, my award makes me so happy.


"We truly don't know why or where this rumor started."

“We truly don’t know why or where this rumor started.”


Not gonna lie... I didn't read past the title! But, in case you care. I just wanted another tootsie.

Not gonna lie… I didn’t read past the title! But, in case you care… I just wanted another tootsie.



I have not been sleeping very well. My lower back has been achy and I have just been feeling really uncomfortable. I’ve been starting to sleep on my side because I haven’t been able to get comfortable on my back, but even this is causing me issues. They say you should lay on your right side, but that makes it so my back is to my husband, which I don’t like. But, when I’ve tried to sleep on my left side, without fail, I wake up with a tingling and totally dead arm! Any suggestions? I want to go back to my zombie sleeps.



What’s One Thing Most People Don’t Know About You?

In attempts to get in the holiday spirit at work, despite the total cluster… fluff… going on in the background, my colleague and I have been playing “elves” and games all week. It started with a glitter fest… err… stocking decorating for the office last week.

Katie and I using excessive amounts of glitter... in the holiday spirit, of course!

Katie and I using excessive amounts of glitter… in the holiday spirit, of course!


A handful of the finished products.

A handful of the finished products.

This week, we have been filling the stockings each morning with miscellaneous goodies to brighten everyone’s day. In addition, we have been sending out employee trivia. Each day, there is one question and the office is tasked with determining who selected each response. Yesterday’s question was, “Who is your celebrity crush?” and today’s is, “What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever collected?”

To say that these two little elves have brought some much-needed sugar and laughs to the office would be a mild understatement.

But, I’ve digressed. Tomorrow’s question is, “What is one thing most people don’t know about you?” In the spirit of I’m probably not going to be working here for much longer, I figured what better time and easier way to make my pregnancy announcement than that. So, my response was, “I’m three months pregnant.” My colleague, Katie, and I are excited to see how many people think it’s her with the big reveal.

So, I’ll let you know how it goes!



I forgot to mention this yesterday, but on Saturday, we were at my favorite place ever: CostCo. It was insane there… the dairy section was a total zoo. As I battled carts and oncoming traffic, I suddenly got an overwhelming feeling of dizziness / “Holy Shit, I’m going to pass out.” I’ve never passed out in my life, so I was a little shaken by the whole thing. I don’t know if it was because the feeling made me uncomfortable and a little scared or because it was simply long-lasting, but the whole experience lasted at least 30 or so minutes. Then, yesterday, while I was in the midst of my BINGO madness, I got the feeling again. Thankfully, I was sitting down so it wasn’t as bad, but I really hope that this isn’t something that’s going to happen very often. I don’t enjoy it.

I looked it up last night, and apparently, dizziness is quite common. In fact, my mom was put on disability during one of her pregnancies because she kept passing out. Here’s the article I read if you’re interested: Dizziness in the Second Trimester.

Feeling Lucky

Not only am I a jolly pregnant lady with an amazing husband (who will be an amazing pops)…

How cute is he practicing with our friend's sweet little babe??

How cute is he practicing with our friend’s sweet little babe??


BUT, on top of that, I get to go play BINGO instead of working today. My boss, colleague and I like to pick an afternoon every month or two to get together and have “Department Bonding Time.” This month’s merry activity is BINGO and I couldn’t be more excited. I have my good luck charms all picked out and am ready to dobber up a storm. And hey, maybe I’ll even win a few bucks. I’ve been practicing my BINGO cry and think I’m ready for a big win!

Wish me luck!



I’ve been feeling pretty good lately. Nausea seems to be gone… and actually, I don’t seem to be waking up every night to pee anymore. One thing that hasn’t changed too much is how tired I am. But, I’ve been attempting to power through it… minus yesterday, when I made it my goal to become one with my couch. Other than that, the biggest thing seems to be my tummy, which is puffing out a bit. At moments, I actually find it a little cute. Not a super cute baby bump quite yet, but it has potential.

I’ve also decided that I need to get my cravings and bad eating habits in check. My first trimester seemed to be laced with pig-out sessions and bad food choices, but now that I’m feeling back to normal, I’m determined to get my shit together. Goodbye candy (yes, I’ve been eating 1-5 tootsie rolls and starbursts a day – not necessary), goodbye Christmas cookies… hello vegetables, whole foods, and healthy living. I’ve been doing pretty well at working out 3-4 times a week and am feeling good about that. I feel like the better shape I’m in, the better off I’ll be to power through delivery. So, despite the freezing temps (this am it was literally 2 degrees F), I’m committed to dragging my ass to the gym, getting in some yoga, and keeping my body in the best shape possible. I mean, my job is to create a happy and healthy home for my little babe, right?