We Took the Kids to the Aquarium (back in March)


Back in February, we took the kids to Discovery World, which has awesome interactive exhibits and an aquarium. It was an abnormally warm and perfect day, so we took advantage by taking a walk by the lake.

Here are some photos…

She’s a Soccer Player

We signed Charlotte up for soccer and let me just say a few things…

  1. She wears a tiny person jersey and I can hardly look at her wearing it… it’s that cute.
  2. She LOVES it and is simultaneously insane while playing.
  3. Listening is her least favorite part about soccer.
  4. She’s hysterical.

Mark took two videos of her from two weeks ago and oh my goodness. They’re hilarious. He accidentally took the videos in slo-mo, which has someone managed to make the videos even more epic.



Zoo Day!

Another fabulous day of mommy daycare, thanks to my amazing sister! We took all the kiddies to the zoo and honestly, it was a blast! 

I absolutely love watching the cousins play 💛

I was really anxious about taking care of (and being able to entertain) both babes for 2.5 weeks straight with no breaks, but honestly, we’ve been having the best time! I feel like a very, very lucky momma. 

After lunch, we went to portillos with my parents and coworkers! 

💛💛 All the feels 💛💛

Pool Day!

Today I took the kiddos to an amazing little “water park” with my sister, niece and nephew. I’m not going to lie, I was so anxious about it. 

Charlie is still at an age where she needs someone in the water with her at all times and that’s not exactly easy with an infant on shore. Anyway, my sister was amazing (thank you, thank you, thank you!!). 

She took Charlie in the water and on the slide about 7,055 times. The weather was perfect, the pool temp was great and it was just a magical day. Also magical, Henry slept the whole time (except for the 10 minutes when we required a little mid-nap milk snack). 

So much fun! 

Also fun this week… We had a great play date yesterday with a group of neighbor mommas, a lunch date with daddy, and another lunch date with grandma, grandpa and daddy! 

A Nice Saturday

I mentioned that my Saturday began with an amazing stretch of quiet “me time”… Well, the day followed suit.

When Mark and Charlie got home, we got ready “quickly” (nothin is quick with two children and sleepy parents) and headed to a nearby city with an adorable downtown.

Our new thing: simultaneous diaper changes on the floor 💙

 The plan: walk around, grab lunch, burn energy. And that we did…

When we got back to the house, we put Charlie down for a nap and Mark struggled to keep the little man happy while I went for a run. 

Yes, a run. 

Not an activity in my repertoire, but I did it… It’s time to get back in shape. So, I kicked off with a 3-3.5 mile run/walk (run 60 seconds, walk 90, repeat).

All in all, good day for mommy.

Mommy Daycare

Don’t make fun, but for the first time since Henry was born, I had to wrangle both kids on my own for the entire day (on Wednesday and Thursday). 

Charlie came down with a super mild case of hand, foot, mouth (which honestly, we would have never known except for the fact that she happened to go to the doc that day for a checkup), so she was home from camp. 

I’m not going to lie, I was super anxious. Mark’s sister is bringing us a double stroller, but at this point, I don’t have one that works for our current situation. We have a sit and stand, but it just creates issues at this point. Charlie wants to sit where Henry is sitting, throws a mini fit and jumps off the stand platform thing while we’re moving. Anyway, not something I want to deal with alone. 

So anyway, I decided to face my anxieties head-on and take the kiddies on a little outing on Wednesday. I packed everyone up and we were Target-bound. Henry was running low on diapers, so it was the perfect excuse. Not to mention the fact that I have ZERO ideas as to how to put Henry (my boy who loves sleeping in silence) to sleep, while the noisy toddler is chatting up a storm… Unless we’re driving. Henry is no match for a moving car. He can’t resist a nap.

Anyway, I was SO PLEASED by our outing. I parked near a cart return and put Henry’s car seat in the shopping cart and Charlie in the seat. We were off!

Henry cried a bit, but let’s be honest, It was a Wednesday morning at Target… I wasn’t the only mom pushing a screaming baby through the aisles. Anyway, he fell asleep and Charlie and I had a blast. She was totally mesmerized. 

We looked at clothes and shoes and ended with an applesauce pouch, which we save for only special occasions. 

When we got in the car, Charlie said, “Momma, it’s fun!”

Despite being sick, Charlotte was an absolute angel. She was so fun to chat with and perfect in the car and at Target. When we got home, the good times continued. 

She was just so incredibly sweet and helpful with Henry. It was nice… We legitimately had fun together. Not just me having fun watching her… But fun together. 

Day two was another adventure! We picked up Nana in the morning to take her to the airport for a well-deserved beach vacay! Charlotte was a bit quiet, but as soon as we started pulling away from the airport, little Charlie burst into tears. “I want my Nanny!!!”

It was so sad and sweet and a little funny. Thankfully, after 5-10 minutes she got distracted by the trucks and a phone call with my sister and we moved on.

(I should also note that Charlotte keeps talking about the beach. “Nana beach” “I want beach” “momma, beach?”… The funny part is that it sounds like she’s saying bitch. Or at least beotch. My childish brain chuckles every time she says it.)

Next stop was to see my parents. We played a bit and Charlotte let us all know, “I want lunch.” 

So, off to lunch we went, which was hilarious. We went to a restaurant that’s filled with ladies and thus, Charlotte discovered the magic of ladies’ lunch. She sat staring at these two women behind us, randomly saying hi despite the fact that they had not noticed her and were not listening. 

After lunch, we shopped around the shopping center and her ladies’ lunch experience just went through the roof. She skipped from one display to the next exclaiming, “Ooooo what dis???”

It was another perfect morning.

Now, I’m not going to lie… Afternoon was a bit more annoying. Charlotte woke up crabby and was being a bit of a pest. AND, to make matters worse, after I finally got Henry to sleep, she woke him up by chucking my cell phone on the tile floor. 

C: “Ohh, Henry wa waa”

Me: “Yes, Henry is crying because you threw my phone on the ground and woke him!”

Let’s just say, I was happy when Daddy got home that evening.

But, all in all, I think I’m somewhat more prepared for full-time mommy daycare while C is off of camp before school starts, which begins next week. I have lots of activities planned and hope to have smooth sailings.

Wish me luck!

Our Weekend in Diaper Changes

Yesterday was Henry’s first day in so many without a blow out poop! Yes, this boy has soiled outfit upon outfit and led me to start defining our weekends by the strange places we’ve been forced to change his diaper.

Here we are at the “Taste of Lake Country,” changing Henry’s diaper in the one patch of shady grass… Found in a public parking lot.

We also had a little fun before the poopsplosion.

And here we are changing Henry’s diaper in the trunk while parked at the Brewers baseball game…

Fun was also had at the game (yes, we survived taking two babes to a baseball game). Charlotte once again proved to LOVE baseball games. She was dancing and loving every minute!