1 Whole Year

Here we go! The big 1 year old Hemy update. And, remember that last post? When I was getting all emotional on my buddy’s first day? Well, the day ended with only one tearful meltdown. It’s just crazy… life with my babies and wonderful husband is so great, but simultaneously so hard. It’s impossible to stay totally positive and on top of things and plain old grateful and not get bogged down by the chaos and shuffling and momming. Then, all of a sudden, you blink and your baby is 1 year old. <Cue tears>

Honestly, this past year has been wonderful and I’m so grateful to have a lifetime to continue getting to know my babies. Henry is just such a little dumpling. He’s wonderful and sweet and squishy and silly and just lovely.

Weight: Henry is a whopping 23 lbs, 6 oz… which I’m pretty sure is just about what he weighed at 10 months. He’s dropped to the 50th percentile for weight.

Height: Hem Hem is a tall little man, measuring in at 2′ 7.5″… aka 31.5″ – that’s 90th percentile, people. Dude be big.

Health Updates: Little man has been pretty darn healthy this year. He recently had a little cold, which was sad… but nothing too crazy. Last week, he seemed to be going through a mental leap. How do I know?

Boy was CRAZY. He legitimately spent a whole day trying to headbutt me and scratch my eyes out. Shit was crazy. He was just fussy and clingy, but simultaneously trying to knock me unconscious. Those were amazing mom days.

But, we came out on top and his leap is very apparent. Since his 3-4 day psycho spree, he’s returned to his normal overly loving, jolly little self AND has a handful of new tricks! I am also still standing, so a win all around.

Sleep: Hem Hem’s sleep has been pretty great; although, the past week or so, the boy has been FIGHTING his second nap. In fact, he’s currently fighting it. He’s sleeping from about 6:30p-6:30a, and napping about 3 hours in the am. Our schedule was crazy this past weekend, but typically he sleeps about an hour or two in the afternoons. And actually, his am nap went from 2-3 hours at the same time he started boycotting nap #2.

He’s quiet for the moment, so we’ll see what happens.

Clothes/Diapers (Sizes): Henry still wears 12m and 18m clothing and size FIVE diapers. As for shoes, boy has big old club feet. They don’t appreciate the stifling nature of shoes.

Diet: Little man continues to love eating. At 11 months, we introduced him to cow’s milk… once. Then again at around 11.5 months (and also almond milk). Now, we alternate between the two (and breastmilk). He loves them all, although I can’t tell if his tummy is going to love cow’s milk.

As for food, the kid can eat. His favorite foods are:

  • Panera chicken noodle soup
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • FRUIT (strawberries are probably #1)
  • Meat… such a protein lover.
  • Beans

As for dessert, let’s just say that both of his smash cakes were consumed by his sister.

Teeth: Henry has 8 teeth (4 on top, 4 on bottom). There’s a chance he has molars, but he’s so darn secretive. He won’t show me. If he doesn’t have them, he’s most definitely working on them. Kid is very drooly and constantly shoving things in his mouth.

Baby Gear Love: We found Henry’s Comotomo Teether so all is right with the world. His other favorites: his new TRACTOR (also a fave of C’s), his dump truck, his HAMMER! OMG, the kid loves his hammer. The hammer came with a toy that looks just like this.

Milestones/Firsts: Henry is just such a big boy. He says mama, dada, mo mo mo (MORE!!)…. that might be it. He signs more, waves hi/bye, and as of a couple days ago, claps like a little cutie pie.

As of TODAY, Henry stands up in his crib and as of maybe a week or two, stands up on just about everything else. It’s crazy… since his week of headbutting, his repertoire has expanded exponentially. He’s pulling himself up on everything, clapping, putting his ball into the hole of the truck as it’s supposed to be used, and so on. He’s just such a big boy.

He also does itsy bitsy spider… which is ADORABLE.

And plays with his pup pup.

Likes: Henry LOVES swimming and water in general. He’s a little fish. He also LOVES music. This morning he went from the ukulele to the piano and back 10 times. And he actually strums the guitar… as for the piano, he just bashes the shit out of the keys.

Henry LOVES his doggy. He literally feeds him every time he eats. He’ll give Toby the food right from his own mouth.

Henry is still very partial to mommy, but obviously love loves his dadadadada.

He’s also a big fan of his grandparents!

Hem Hem loves to be scared and tossed around. And he LOVES to rip out floor vents and bash them all over the place. Also enjoyable… throwing miscellaneous items down exposed floor vents.

Henry is a big fan of balls and bubbles.

I’m sure I’m missing a million things… hmmm… he loves cords and danger, per usual. OH! We got him a ball pit tunnel, which he LOVES.

Dislikes: Hem does not enjoy being put in bed when he doesn’t want to sleep (hence him currently crying). He does not like being passed to someone else from momma’s arms or seeing momma when he has decided he must be attached to the momma. He does not enjoy his sister hugging him SO tight around the neck and don’t even think about taking his toys from him.

He also LOATHES diaper changes.

Things I Don’t Want to Forget: I don’t want to forget any of it! He’s just such a little munch with such a funny little demeanor. He loves to laugh and play. He’s SO curious and inquisitive. He’s so sweet and gives the best hugs and snuggles.

I love his babble and oy. His clap. Something about seeing those two chubby paws slapping together like a seal… I just love it. And he’s so proud. It’s perfection.

Cute stuff & updates

here are some random updates for you…

  • Charlotte is a chatterbox. Constantly talking (or screaming) about something.
  • Recently, she’s been shoving her dang fingers so far in her mouth, she’s making herself gag. The fingers go in the mouth because molars are the devil, but I think she keeps doing it because we tell her to stop. Defiant little one.
  • Charlotte officially signs “more” whenever she wants anything.
  • Charlotte loves chocolate chip cookies. Aside from her bday, we haven’t given Charlotte anything in terms of sweets… Until yesterday when we gave her a chocolate chip cookie. Needless to say, she was signing a lot.
  • Charlotte continues to be a total berry monster. She can easily eat a pint of raspberries at any given moment.
  • Charlotte’s sleep schedule has been a bit off this summer due to lots of running around, but she still seems to nap like an infant. She probably gets between 15-16 hours of sleep daily. 

That’s all for now!



Weekend Fun

We had another low-key weekend visiting with friends and family! 

I love summer.


Story time at home.


Hanging out in Delafield with friends!


Charlie & her bff Bailey


two generations of girlfriends 💛


Spending time with my bestie and Charlie’s future hubs at his welcome to the world party!


Crazy babe playing with Grampie.


Gentle pets for Lambie.


My Big Girl

The other day when I was counting Charlotte’s baby teeth, I said she had 7 teeth with one on the verge… HOWEVER, just yesterday (or maybe the day before), she was doing something weird with her tiny mouth hanging open and I discovered TWO MOLARS!!!

Suddenly I feel like she is a legit big kid. I mean, molars…

That brings the count to 9 teeth with at least one, if not three, on the way.

So nuts! 

My big girl…

Check out her eating olives like a big kid… I didn’t even show her this… Just looked over and caught her in the act!

Also, yesterday I decided to give sign language a more focused effort. I was teaching her “more” so she would stop making that terrible whining sound every time she ran out of berries. After a few minutes, she was already getting the hang of it…