The Best Year of My Life

I can’t believe how fast time is going. Tomorrow the hubs and I will fly to Mexico to celebrate our ONE YEAR anniversary. Yes, to all you marriage veterans, this doesn’t seem very long, but I literally feel like our wedding was a few months ago. It’s crazy to think that an entire year has already gone by and now we have a wee little one on the way who will be here in less than 4 months. Craziness.

So, in honor of the most amazing year of my life, spent with the most amazing man I’ve ever known, today’s blog is my Top 10 list. The 10 highlights of this past year we’ve spent together…

1) Exchanging our personal vows to each other in front of our friends and family. I cannot explain how grateful I am to have gotten my husband to agree to pouring our hearts and souls out in front of an audience. The words that this man said to me literally brought tears to my eyes. How could I be so lucky? He’s amazing and that moment was one of the best of my life.



2) Loving and laughing with my guy.  We have so much fun together and I absolutely love my time with him. It’s almost a little pathetic. If I could be with him every second of every day, I’m thinking I’d do it in a heartbeat. Everything just feels a little better with him around.

Splish splashing in Cali.

Splish splashing in Cali.

3) Learning to SCUBA in Fiji together. This was a big accomplishment for us, as Marky has some serious anxiety when it comes to water. But, together – with an amazing Fijian dive guide – we did it and were able to explore over 100 ft under the ocean… together.

4) The Mark/Toby morning routine. Most mornings, I get up first and when Mark and Toby finally drag their butts out of bed, Marky will carry Toby into the bathroom where I’m getting ready to say good morning. I get a sweet, sleepy kiss from both of them and I absolutely love it.

5) Telling Marky that we’re pregnant! The overwhelming excitement we shared at that moment and the monumental concept of the whole thing is just incredible. We created life together. And we made a commitment to each other and to our future baby to bring love and reason and morals and knowledge to her life. We extended our vows beyond each other.

Breaking the news to the daddy-to-be!

Breaking the news to the daddy-to-be!

6) Running and jumping into his arms. While this is very fun, that’s not the only reason I love to jump into my husband’s arms. Sometimes I feel like a child with my love for him. I get so overwhelmed with love that I want to squeeze him… or hit him. Like a Kindergartner. Something about our run & jump routine fulfills this need. Side note… this is probably what I miss most since being pregnant. A giant belly is not conducive to such expressions of love.

That's the face of someone who just got hit by 110 pounds running at top speed.

That’s the face of someone who just got hit by 110 pounds running at top speed.

7) Baby & Pregnancy Planning. It has been SO amazing to plan out our pregnancy, birth plan, and child rearing techniques with my husband. His interest in EVERYTHING relating to the delivery is incredible. Already I feel like the most supported mama-to-be in the world. He’s not afraid to read about or watch the gory delivery details. He just wants to soak it all in so we can make the best decisions for me and for our sweet girl. He worries about me and takes care of me. And, he takes the time to read our parenting book and talk through a bazillion parenting scenarios. We have so many, “what would you have done in that situation?” conversations… and I love every single one. I couldn’t have a better partner.

8) Making up. While I don’t love disagreeing or arguing, I do love how we’ve been able to grow from all of our disagreements. With every fight, we get better and better. I cherish the fact that we take every opportunity to adjust our own actions in order to be a better partner for the other. I feel like we have a really great balance of give and take and I feel so comforted knowing that this is something we will only improve on.

9) Mark’s face when he felt the baby kick for the first time. Maybe just Mark’s face period. I just love him. I love seeing him light up and I love being able to share such insane and miraculous milestones with him.

10) Valentine’s Day! Not many men would take their wives all the way to NYC to see a musical. But my hubs had no problem. We spent an amazing and spontaneous day/night walking around, shopping, eating and just being in love. It was the perfect reminder of what we have together. Easy love.

So, lovey, happy anniversary! I love you madly. Here’s to another year of amazingness and to our celebration of the best year ever… which officially begins in less than 24 hours. Oh, and thanks for making me feel like the luckiest lady around. You’re my best friend (if you were with me, I’d give you a high five).


I have fresh fruit juice, sun and sand on the brain! Can’t wait to take my sweet inside baby and the love of my life to MEXICO… tomorrow!!! Also, I’d like to apologize to any of you who may run into us there… I may or may not be rocking a 6+ month belly in a bikini. It just has to happen. Please drink accordingly 🙂

It’s Literally -22 Degrees F

Seriously, Wisconsin? This is bonkers. I can’t even comprehend this craziness. Last year the coldest day of the year was -5 and truly, it was a relatively warm winter with minimal snow fall. This is just unreal. The public schools have now had three “cold days”… ie: temperatures are so severe and dangerous, all are warned to stay inside. Sounds lovely, huh?

Anyway, this crazy weather has increased the already urgent desire to get our dang one-year anniversary/babymoon vacation planned. The vastness of the Internet seems to act as a total inhibitor when it comes to vacation planning. I end up OBSESSING over every review and feel severely overwhelmed and incapable of making a decision. BUT, I’m hoping that we will finally get something solidified this week. That would be such a relief. 

I just want to sit in the warm weather with my hubs, sipping a non-alcoholic cocktail, enjoying the sunshine, loving life and celebrating the best year of my life. Ahhh. I almost feel more relaxed just thinking about it.

Speaking of my hubs, I can’t believe that in March, it will have already been a year since our wedding. Time really does fly when you’re having a great time. And, on top of getting to celebrate on vacation, we get to enjoy when we get back… because as part of our “cake package,” we negotiated in an anniversary cake. So, 14 servings of this tasty treat are coming our way…

I can almost taste the sweet deliciousness now...

I can almost taste the sweet deliciousness now…


And just for fun… some wedding memories…

Ugh, my husband is so dang cute.

Ugh, my husband is so dang cute.

Sharing the wine.

Sharing the wine.

Enjoying each other (and the speeches).

Enjoying each other (and the speeches).

First dance!

First dance!

One of the last dances.

One of the last dances.



Nothing new to report! I ate like crap today and am feeling pretty crappy in response. Urgh. I’ll be better tomorrow! Oh! And did I mention it’s freezing?